The history of Shinkansen, also known as the bullet train, goes back to the early 60s. This is when the first of its kind, the 0 Series Shinkansen, started operating on the Tokyo-Osaka line. The first bullet train was a pioneer of its time operating at speeds of 210 km/h ...
Traditional Shinkansen vs Maglev
Japanese Maglev Evolution 1972 - 2020
Japan has been researching maglev technology since the beginning of the 60's with a clear goal of creating a super fast connection between Tokyo and Osaka within less than an hour. The Japanese National Railways (JNR) started their research on a magnetic levitation railway system in 1962. The development of ...
Wuhan–Guangzhou Maglev
China's High Speed Maglev
China has been busy building their own high speed maglev train to compete with the German-developed Transrapid maglev trains and the L0 Series train by the Central Japan Railway Company. This futuristic looking train is capable of hitting speeds of 600 km/h (372 mph). Commercial production of these brand new ...